Mr R Davis – head@moorside-academy.co.uk
Mr Davis is the Headteacher at Moorside Community Primary Academy. As well as overseeing the day-to-day running of the school, he is also responsible for child protection and staff professional development and is the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).
Teaching Staff
Miss K Magrath – kmagrath@moorside-academy.co.uk
Miss Magrath is the Nursery teacher.
Mrs K Aspden – kaspden@moorside-academy.co.uk
Mrs Aspden is the Reception teacher / Nursery Manager.
Mrs N Dutton – ndutton@moorside-academy.co.uk
Mrs Dutton is the Year 1 class teacher.
Mrs H Coyne – hcoyne@moorside-academy.co.uk
Mrs Coyne is the Year 2 class teacher.
Miss E Hall – ehall@moorside-academy.co.uk
Miss Hall is the Year 3 class teacher.
Mr C Hatton – chatton@moorside-academy.co.uk
Mr Hatton is the Year 4 class teacher.
Mrs R Russell – rrussell@moorside-academy.co.uk
Mrs A Jameson – ajameson@moorside-academy.co.uk
Mrs Russell and Mrs. Jameson share teaching Year 5. They are both Assistant Headteachers. Mrs. Russell is responsible for coordinating Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEN) across the school.
Mrs R Gittins – rgittins@moorside-academy.co.uk
Mrs Gittins is the Year 6 class teacher.
Mrs Z Baker – zbaker@moorside-academy.co.uk
Mrs Baker is supporting Teaching and Learning throughout the Academy.
Support Staff
Administration Staff
Mrs J Lee – School Business Manager (jlee@moorside-academy.co.uk)
Mrs C Smalley – Office Manager (csmalley@moorside-academy.co.uk)
Learning Mentor
Mrs O McSorley (omcsorley@moorside-academy.co.uk)
HLTA’s and Teaching Assistants
Mrs H Kirby | Mrs J King |
Miss N Sharp | Miss J Davies |
Miss D Farrington | Miss C Bradshaw |
Miss A Kirby | Mrs C Slobin |
Miss L Gaskell | Miss K Eisen |
Mr S McKenna | Mrs K Gleave |
Miss T Matthews | Mrs D Jones |
Mrs L Moore | Mrs C Pearson |
Mrs A Flannery – Breakfast Club Supervisor | Mr D McSorley |
Mrs K Wright | Mrs E Hughes – After School Club Supervisor |
Miss J Hutton |
Dinner-time/Welfare Staff
Mrs K Gleave | Mrs M Flemming – Kitchen manager |
Miss J Davies | Mrs B Sanderson |
Mrs E Hughes | Miss D Weedall |
Miss K Eisen | Mr S McKenna |
Mrs A Flannery | Mr D McSorley |
Mrs P Hurst | Mrs J King |
Mrs M Williamson | Mrs S Nickson |
Mrs N Shuttleworth | Miss E Martin |
Site Supervisor
Mr. F Nickson